Thursday, June 24, 2010

Band camp.

I slept. A lot.

Oh yes I did. First day, BBQ was the most fun part. I thought marching would be fun too, like the previous band camp's one -.-. It wasn't. Dammit. And I caught Mr Tan staring at me when I was marching on the spot with the rest and after that he stopped the band saying what he see people march (names not to be mentioned he said) like carrying shopping bags like that swing here swing there. Oh come on :(.

And Sheril and Yulu gave us cards (Charmaine also) and these milk bottles. Cause we're her juniors and she treats us like her kids, aww. LOL. Inside were awesome chocolate. And then later on I stuffed another few smaller plastic bags of candies and biscuits from other seniors into my milk bottle. And Hee Cheng gave us gummy candies!

Second day, more slack, late by FIVE MINUTES :(.
Breakfast was awesome, I had a red bean bun. And my phone's getting popular with the other campers. Cause it has internet -geeky smile- . And then I was greedy so I ate the milo bar I bought from Malaysia which I stuffed into my bag when I was rushing out of the house -breathes in-, long sentence. Hohoho.

Then it was practice practice practice, not so bad. But my bells (not really MINE, but I'm so close to it I shall call it mine for now) got kidnapped by Mrs Chia :(. They needed it for Junior band. And so I went over to Mr Xylo the Xylophone.
Played bells score on the xylo, conductor's instructions. Sounds weird. Noooooo.
Then we had games, this Honeymoon game, quite hard to explain. But I got kena once and when I was running my phone dropped out -.-. And then it was movie screening, some japanese movie about these girls and a boy forming a band without any money.
Didn't watch finished, left early :) .

Third day! Late by 5 MINUTES AGAIN. This time when I went to the hall the rest were falling in and Alif (our drum major) was scolding the band :( . Haha Ivan also late :D .
Then went to the band room to get our instruments, brought it to the Technology room.

HAD MARCHING WITH OUR INSTRUMENTS. Again I thought it would be fun. No it wasn't.
I was assigned to play the tom tom's (Like drums, but sounds different). NOOOOOOO D: I CAN'T PLAY THE DRUMS.

I drew an equation to summarise marching.
See. I am a genius.

And that Mr Tan keep nagging at us and he said we percussionists were good, and I was like OF COURSE LAH, then he said we looked like dancing dwarves -.-.
Oh come on, you can't expect us to really put our feet at ninty degrees can you? If our drums fly away, you're paying. Hah.
Then march march march shoulder ache shoulder ache shoulder ache.

And then it was sectionals and prize giving and speech. And camp ended. Bah.

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