Saturday, June 19, 2010


I don't think anyone's going to read my blog now -.-.
Cause they think I'm in Genting or something and won't expect me to update. Well, hah! You guys are lucky if you're here now.
At some internet cafe in Genting. 15 RM for 1 hour, must spend properly -.-. 

Second day here, quite okay. Cause we're smart people with smart brains.
Indoor theme park in the morning, outdoor theme park at night. Everyone's giong to do vice versa, so lesser people when it's our turn. MWAHAHAHA.

Today's plan is to like do all the misc stuff like bowling, arcade, internet cafe (!!) etc etc cause today's the last day for the students in Malaysia's before they start school tomorrow WAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway our hotel room's at First World hotel, Again, but our room's SUPER DELUXE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AND ITS CONNECTING ROOM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
And I helped Jingwen with her D&T :D, but I didn't bring any homework cause I just didn't bother to do Chinese and I ALMOST COMPLETED MY MATHS :D !!
I hope I still get my reward -cheeky grins- . 

Was reading Kai Lun's blog, saw this.
jerlyn's off to genting.
i forgot to sms her ytd.
was sick so must sleep mah
got excuse LOL

only ryan and zacng sms her.
so sad.
Yeah, only Ryan and Zachary Ng smsed me :D.
EXCUSES! But at least you posted on your blog, so you're off the hook, I so kind. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

At the internet cafe, as I said, and the Euro Express, this really awesome indoor theme park roller coaster, is just right in front of me -.-. I mean the tracks, I very jealous. I want to play but I very lazy queue up HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. LOL.
And I can't figure out how to on the volume so the music very pathetic in my headphones, very soft. The screams can over power the song lorh :(. LOL.

My post is going to be very random updates, all random paragraphs LOL.(I give up, the earphones hurt I'm taking it off)
So far played, Viking ship (self explanatory), Haunted house train(also self explanatory), Rolling thunder mine train (Some roller coaster that obviously, yes looks like a mine train), some Ribena tea cups(That spin spin around ride LOL),  the Spinner (This swing, I posted the picture on my blog once before I went to Genting) and Motion Master (Watch 4D shows, LOL) .

And we ate fried chicken!

Sorry if I didn't reply you, especially Timothy, who asked if I leave already, LOL. Yes I did, Timothy :D . You smsed me when I was like going to check in :D . 
But I can't reply cause it costs like on dollar for one sms :( . So yeah, JUST SMS ME LAH :D. MAKE ME HAPPY LOL.

Watching The Karate Kid and Toy Story 3 later and tomorrow, yay :D .
I know you guys miss me :). HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just kidding.

Okay, done updating :D, wee hee.
And nobody I like to talk to is on MSN -.-.

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