Sunday, July 11, 2010

Genting, wee, part 5.

This post was due like so long ago but apparently I only got to this today.
And I'm just so lazy to follow the format of the other Genting posts, like putting a link to the previous post here and so on. Bah. So the post looks really ugly but I just don't feel like taking it down or else my Genting posts will not feel complete. EEEEEEEEE D:<.

Camwhore before watching Toy Story 3!
MARRYBROWN MARRYBROWN breakfast. Hashbrown. Too. Much. Oil. Omg.

Long pause, Toy Story 3 woohoo. 

Pizza pizza pizza hut for lunch, four of us 30 dollars plus only. OMG SINGAPORE PIZZA HUT CHEAT OUR MONEY D:<.
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose.
This half body dude is hao mei.
This is thee awesomest, roller coaster, ever.
Jingwen trying to show me a picture she took, don't want to camwhore D:<.
Jeric won this huge ass dolphin.
Salmon omg.
Very pretty looking desserts.
I only like the strawberry one, which I gobbled up in one minute. Deng deng deng deng.

So we woke up, ate Marrybrown for breakfast, then we went to watch Toy Story 3, cinema damn empty, cause it was like 9 am plus only, HOHOHO. And I got to put my feet up on the seat in front of me. What an asshole I am >:).

So then we went to sit on a few rides before going outdoor, hoping it would be less crowded cause Malaysia school open liao, mwahaha. Still quite a lot of people -.-. Dammit.
Then Jeric won a huge dolphin at the ball throwing game. And we won back the cow doll Jeric lost the previous day for Kaiwen. Then it turned really foggy, as can be seen in the pictures above, so we took jumpshots, to show how it looks like.

Then we went to eat buffet, and celebrated Cherie's birthday.
And watched Dazzle!

It was boring and I didn't get most of the parts. Oh well. And the only cute guy there covered his face with a mask


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